In healthcare and fintech, enduring businesses change the system. We invest in driving five types of structural change.
Deliver value-based primary care at scale in <stru>big cities<stru> rural America
Make Medicare Advantage plans cost effective for <stru>payers<stru> patients
2 billion people can transact with <stru>a card<stru> 500+ local payment methods
<stru>Enterprises<stru> Anyone can start and grow their dream business
Use <stru>clinical staff<stru> technology to reduce unnecessary hospitalizations
Manage complex conditions and serious illness with <stru>frequent, expensive hospitalizations<stru> high-quality, 24/7, community-based support
Detect financial crime <stru>once the money's gone<stru> before it happens
<stru>Write off<stru> Recover 80% of chargebacks
Reduce cost of unnecessary care and improve patient quality of life by keeping them <stru>in facilities<stru> at home
Align around value-based care frameworks to drive <stru>utilization<stru> downstream savings
Fight fraud with <stru>a bigger compliance team<stru> AI-powered RiskOps
Price credit fairly for <stru>high-income<stru> all creditworthy consumers
Receive multi-specialty consults <stru>in three weeks<stru> today
Develop and manufacture your complex biologics <stru>when your CDMO has capacity<stru> when and how you need them
Move assets <stru>in 3-5 business days, excluding holidays<stru> instantly
Launch payments this <stru>year<stru> quarter
Comprehensive maternal care delivery and guidance <stru>when your doctor can fit you in<stru> on your own schedule
Enable alignment and data integration with providers to benefit <stru>payers<stru> members
<stru>Turn off<stru> Convert global customers at checkout
Manage your full-stack omnichannel business <stru>through 25 vendors<stru> in one place
Meet our founders
Oak HC/FT was founded in 2014 to back teams solving valuable problems in healthcare and fintech. Ten years later, our people and our purpose are true to course.

"Trying to blow up the healthcare or financial system is a fool's errand. But you can tell when a founder actually understands the system and is going to build something so much better within its constraints. Those are the people who end up forcing impact, and that’s who we get fired up about."